What to do if you feel that you have a counterfeit note in our hand?
Most of the people think that counterfeit is the only threat for any gambling establishment and other financial institution but this is not the real scenario. Counterfeit notes are been passed in both big and small business at different times of the business and it has become highly impossible to detect them. These have become common and so it is your responsibility to make your profit save no matter what the counterfeit notes have its influences. It is also the truth that a counterfeit note has become hard to detect because certain undetectable fake money is designed as if they resemble the genuine notes. Remember that it is hard to detect the counterfeit notes but not impossible. Here are some things that you need to consider to detect them. Treasury seal and Federal Reserve When you compare the genuine bill with the counterfeit bill you can find that the saw-tooth points of the Treasury seal and Federal Reserve are clear, sharp and distinct in the genuine note. In the counterfeit...